Paying for Cures tools and templates

Do you need guidance in developing your strategy for the cell and gene therapy (CGT) market? Are you looking for data to assess how CGTs will impact you and your organization? We offer a number of resources to support your work.

Pipeline analysis

NEWDIGS FoCUS maintains a gene and cell therapy (CGT) pipeline by analyzing clinical trials currently registered for the treatment of specific indications. The pipeline analysis was most recently updated through December 31, 2022.

FoCUS has delivered this analysis as an individual Indication workbook and as a pipeline impact worksheet. You may download the Excel documents, then customize the inputs to assess the pipeline’s impact according to scenarios you define. Note that terms and conditions apply with the use of the workbooks.

Individual Indication workbook

The Individual Indication workbook enables you to select an indication for treatment and complete an assessment of the number of individuals estimated to be eligible for treatment, the potential budget impact of treating eligible individuals, and the likelihood that an organization (based on size and payer type) will encounter treatment eligible patients. You may download the workbook and use it in accordance with the defined terms and conditions.

Pipeline impact

NEWDIGS FoCUS built a pipeline analysis of cell and gene therapies (CGTs) to determine the scale of the financing challenge of CGTs in the US. To forecast the number of product launches, the team estimated the time products would take to progress through each level of trials, and estimated probabilities of success (defined as the probability that a product, upon completing one level in the trials, will initiate a trial at the next level) of each trials program. The model uses a Markov Chain Monte Carlo process with results typically based on one million iterations. Projections are further detailed into a pipeline by payer type. You may download the workbook and use it in accordance with the defined terms and conditions.