Payer and developer perspectives on alternative payment models

Eric NormanFoCUS, Publications

Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, Volume 24, 2024 – Issue 2
Moradian, R., Meshesha, T., Trusheim, M., & Barlow, J. F.

The paper reports the results of a survey to understand payer and developer perspectives on alternative payment models for innovative cell and gene therapies. A literature search focused on CGT reimbursement in the U.S. market was conducted to identify information gaps and inform survey development. U.S. developers (n = 100) and payers (n = 195) were invited to complete an online survey between June and August 2022. Although limited by the number of participants, this survey indicates early discussions coupled with understanding motivations are essential for developing contracts that appeal to both parties and ensure patient access.

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