Leaping Together Toward Sustainable, Patient‐Centered Innovation: The Value of a Multistakeholder Safe Haven for Accelerating System Change

Eric NormanArticles, LEAPS

Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, November 2, 2018
Gigi Hirsch

Successfully delivering on the promise of emerging science in a world of value-driven healthcare requires that we fundamentally reengineer biomedical innovation processes to be both patient centered and sustainable. Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s New Drug Development Paradigms (NEWDIGS), a “think and do” tank launched in 2010, provides a safe haven, precompetitive environment for multistakeholder collaboration to innovate how we innovate. Its newest project, Learning Ecosystems Accelerator for Patient-centered, Sustainable innovation (LEAPS), will pilot an innovation system designed to enhance decision making, outcomes, and trust among key stakeholders.

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