Paying for Cures Toolkit updated with new pipeline modeling and financing strategies
Today FoCUS released an updated and expanded version of its Paying for Cures Toolkit, which is designed to help patient groups, payers, policymakers, and drug developers make financial plans for promising but potentially costly new cell and gene therapies.
The Toolkit’s collection of research provides thorough analysis of the new therapies’ potential financial impact, its Precision Financing Solutions describe innovative financing approaches, and its interactive tools enable stakeholders to calculate customized scenarios to aid decision-making.
“Durable cell and gene therapy potential patient and financial impact: US projections of product approvals, patients treated, and product revenues” was published in the January print edition of Drug Discovery Today. The article is available with open access.
Kim Caldwell, Michael Ciarametaro, and Mark Trusheim will host an education session titled “Gene Therapy Value-Based Purchasing and the Impact of Medicaid Best Price Changes” at AMCP ’22 Chicago on March 30. Meeting registration is open now.
The next FoCUS Design Lab will be held on April 13–14, 2022 at MIT. By invitation only.