FoCUS Monthly Recap: December 2019

Eric NormanFoCUS, News

Year in FoCUS

7 research briefs, 4 white papers, and 2 peer-reviewed articles published; 40+ speaking engagements and conference appearances, 20+ appearances in media, 450+ attendees to Design Labs and Paying for Cures events, and the launch of the first online Paying for Cures Toolkit!

Now Open: The Paying for Cures Toolkit is now online

The free online resource helps payers, patient advocates, drug developers, policymakers, and other healthcare system stakeholders explore strategies to sustainably finance new cell and gene therapies with durable—and potentially curative—effects. Read the press release announcement

Registration Open: Paying for Cures Workshop

March 10 at MIT
Survey the financial challenges of sustaining new cell and gene therapies, assess adoption barriers, and anticipate coming changes in practice and policy. Special focus on challenges and solutions for private and public healthcare payers.

Learn more and register

New Research: Precision Financing challenges for solid tumor adoptive T-cell therapies

There are some key challenges for implementing TCR therapies; this research brief reviews these issues and proposes a number of solutions based on learnings from FoCUS members.

Get the Research Brief

FoCUS in the Community

December 4, John Glasspool was on a panel with Rena Conti discussing The Science, Policy, and Potential of Cell and Gene Therapies at the Alliance for Health Policy 2019 Signature Series: Solving for Health event in Washington, DC. A video recording of the panel, with supplemental materials, is available online.

December 6, Mark Trusheim presented at the Brocher Foundation Value Creation in Precision Medicine workshop in Hermance, Switzerland.

December 7-9, Jonathan Salcedo presented a poster on The Total Direct Cost of Healthcare in the United States in Patients with Sickle Cell Disease: A Propensity Score Matched Analysis at the American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting in San Diego, California.

December 12, Jonathan Salcedo presented at CBI’s BioMAN 11th Annual Biomanufacturing Summit on Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Manufacturing of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Coming Up

Mark Trusheim will speak at the MassBio Policy Breakfast in Boston on January 29.

Design Lab

The next FoCUS Design Lab will be held April 28–30 in Boston. Invitation only