LEAPS Monthly Recap: February 2022

Eric NormanLEAPS, News

WE’RE GROWING NEWDIGS searching for new director, program manager We’re searching for Director and Program manager talent—join our interdisciplinary think-and-do tank designing solutions to make biopharma and healthcare systems more … Read More

FoCUS Monthly Recap: January 2022

Eric NormanFoCUS, News

JUST RELEASED  Paying for Cures Toolkit updated with new pipeline modeling and financing strategies Today FoCUS released an updated and expanded version of its Paying for Cures Toolkit, which is designed … Read More

LEAPS Monthly Recap: January 2022

Eric NormanLEAPS, News

RECENT PUBLICATION LEAPS research in Precision Reimbursement published in Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics The article, “Precision Reimbursement for Precision Medicine: Using Real-World Evidence to Evolve From Trial-and-Project to Track-and-Pay to Learn-and-Predict,” appeared … Read More

FoCUS Monthly Recap: December 2021

Eric NormanFoCUS, News

COMING SOON Paying for Cures Toolkit update in early ’22 After the holiday FoCUS will release a major update to the toolkit, including updates to the Pipeline and Individual Indication worksheets … Read More

LEAPS Monthly Recap: December 2021

Eric NormanLEAPS, News

DESIGN LAB REPORT LEAPS Design Lab advances pilot projects At the November 30 and December 1 Design Lab participants shaped the designs for three pilots to launch in 2022.   … Read More

LEAPS Monthly Recap: October 2021

Eric NormanLEAPS, News

NEW MEMBER Flatiron Health joins LEAPS Project This month, Flatiron Health, the clinical and science data healthtech company dedicated to helping cancer centers thrive and deliver better care for patients today … Read More

FoCUS Monthly Recap: October 2021

Eric NormanFoCUS, News

NEW SOLUTIONS Financing solutions emerging from the market: A FoCUS survey and analysis How are market leaders responding to the barriers of cost and uncertainty associated with cell and gene therapies … Read More

FoCUS Monthly Recap: September 2021

Eric NormanFoCUS, News

NEW RESOURCES Self-Insured Employers Workshop shares practical advice for covering cell and gene therapies In June FoCUS hosted a workshop for self-insured employers to help them understand the challenges and … Read More